Ayush Mishra

Scribbled Thought Bubbles

Read this first


This word has loomed around for a long period of time now. Recently I had a intense meditation session wherein I was completely confused with my identity. I had this weird question in my head “Who am I?”, now mind you not this question has come to me quite a few times but I was never able to materialize how truly simple and important question this is.

Usually the most common for such a question is “I am XYZ” or “I am a human” or “I am a son”. What came to me as a shock was when I answered with my eyes closed that “I am Ayush”, then came to me a big realization all of these stigmas in my head are society made, this name doesn’t belong to me, it was given to me by my parents. My morality and how good of a person I am is completely dependent on how society perceives. Which means I literally have no idea who I truly am, I was dissolved in this illusion and could never look through the...

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1 at a time

The biggest tip that I underestimated is to focus on one task at a time. I have always found myself having my eyes on multiple things at once. Like literally while writing this I have urges to change tabs and read about some news that I didn’t hear about or maybe keep reading the article that inspired me to write this.

The feeling is so bizarre when you understand where you are going wrong while still being unable to target it directly. But I think it’s time to start working like this. Some people can work efficiently on multiple things simultaneously but it is only achievable for those who can work on one task at a time seamlessly.

So if you want to keep the same habits, you better get rid of them and focus on mastering one task/idea at a time, and then make the switch back but in the meantime, it is “1 at a time”.

Make sure while eating that you are trying to focus just on eating...

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Love or Lust?

On any given random day I can have a thought of someone that I haven’t reached out to in a few months, it feels horrible knowing the bond we once shared seemed eternal but ended up fading away.

This makes me realize what Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Ji says regarding this attachment we have with worldly things. It might seem to be so pure but nothing we find on this planet is completely pure. It is something coming out of the unknown that can be pure. Any connection/relationship we have with anybody is just surface level.

Maharaj ji says, when you are in love with external beauty think about how it is just temporary it is ever changing, your love with external beauty is Lust taking form. When you find a gorgeous woman, think if you will still love her if you are asked to never touch her, will you still be willing to spend the rest of your life with her? What if you are asked to...

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Initiating conversations with not your usual culprit

Well this was a thought I had to help sort of reboot some parts of our brain, if you think about it from my perspective there are a lot of groups that I get in touch with less. With most of these culture/religious/race groups I have my own good and bad preconceived notions. Lets talk about someone Jew, to be honest till date I have had no interaction with a Jew and at the same time I don’t have a lot of stereotype either. I think of them as smart, religious individual, who are more likely to be nerdy. (Again, this is all stereotypes we have inbuilt where we don’t necessarily shed light on).

What I recently did with a similar group is talking to older white men. I took a chance and initiated a conversation on my way back in the train from Moda Center after a basketball game. I usually have this sort of fear of getting ignored or just having a dry conversation. But I knew this was someone...

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Play your “Role” : Life is a sum of multiple acts

I have been thinking what is a way to navigate through the countless things we want to do in our lives? We all want to work hard, we all want to have our name, so many other things but at some point in our life it becomes quite a significant challenge to make strides on all fronts. What if it is actually easy to work on things simultaneously it just needs us to switch our mindset and to start playing a role?

If while coming across a big task that might need one to stay in front of a screen for a long time researching and working hard, if the person tackles the task while playing a role of someone who enjoys being outside, loves hikes, that personality they are coming to work on the task with will make it that much harder to be able to do a great job at the task, why?? Well maybe because the task actually requires playing a role “that enjoys getting stuff done, someone that enjoys...

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Why write?

Well I have asked the above question myself multiple times, I was never the one to write down my thoughts or ideas, was never into reading books(except school books, which I had to read). Also, I am positive that almost no one except maybe my family, friends would one day want to read some of this on my request or recommendation. I am not writing this for an audience but more so for my own sake, I have a lot of dumb ideas and thoughts that I just wanna pour down. I feel like writing is a more refined way of thinking.
When thinking it is hard to stay down on the same road for a long time and dig deeper, on the other hand writing is a straight road with many exits that keep opening, it is up to the “writer” to decide the best route that gets them to the location. There could be an argument made about how writing actually improves the way you think. Especially, in the current age we live...

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To Be Seen

Is it possible to disassociate yourself from a thought, how can I ensure that I am not my thoughts. Every time I realize that I am stuck in a zone where I am being leashed from one thought to another, I immediately am able to take a step back and realize that there is an “actual me” inside me who is the one truly in charge. Its important to realize that the continuous chain of thoughts creates a second elusive personality who blindly follows any and all thoughts that keep popping in. The longer we don’t realize this character it gets harder to see past the illusion. So, take a 10-15 minutes of dedicated time and try to realize the illusion that dictates our life and try to be in the moment.

I have watched multiple self-improvement videos and a lot of them hit the same point, the value of meditating everyday. Most humans don’t do this ever. I feel like being able to meditate is the super...

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Traps, Traps and Traps!!!

There is a very interesting concept of “yugas” in Sanatan Dharma. Someone broke it down in a very interesting way for me once and I have been in awe of the idea since then. There is believed to be a cycle to this Universe (Brahman), and its repeats itself over and over again. The Universe goes through this cycle of birth and death over and over again. What amazes me is the breakdown of the one cycle. There are believed to be 4 yugas namely Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga,Dvapara Yuga, Kali Yuga. You can see it as 4 different eras, the first one(Satya) is where people are the most virtuous and righteous, the stories from this era are usually the fights between Gods and Devils. As yugas pass people become less virtuous, the first Epic comes here called “Ramayana”, the story entails a war between two Kingdoms (Bharat and Lanka), as usual the right dharma wins. The next yuga brings the biggest Epic...

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Death is a Feature

Here I go again with another existential thought, I recently read someone say that Death is a feature installed to make things worth it. Why do we miss our childhood? Why do you miss that one trip you had years ago? It is because all these experiences ended.

Don’t think that I am asking you to show no emotions when these experiences end or when you reminisce about them. I am arguing that it is important to remind ourselves that everything at some time comes to an end. Death similarly for that reason is an in-built feature to allow us to enjoy life.
I remember going to my cousins’ during my summer break and counting the no. of days I have left before I head back home. Every day was a celebration of trying to make the most out of it. We seem to forget that we all are approaching an expiry date on this wonderful journey, some have more time and some are living their last day. This is what...

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