To Be Seen

Is it possible to disassociate yourself from a thought, how can I ensure that I am not my thoughts. Every time I realize that I am stuck in a zone where I am being leashed from one thought to another, I immediately am able to take a step back and realize that there is an “actual me” inside me who is the one truly in charge. Its important to realize that the continuous chain of thoughts creates a second elusive personality who blindly follows any and all thoughts that keep popping in. The longer we don’t realize this character it gets harder to see past the illusion. So, take a 10-15 minutes of dedicated time and try to realize the illusion that dictates our life and try to be in the moment.

I have watched multiple self-improvement videos and a lot of them hit the same point, the value of meditating everyday. Most humans don’t do this ever. I feel like being able to meditate is the super power we conscious humans have that gives us a slight upper edge over others. I personally have on a very few occasions toyed around with meditation, I always thought of it as a tedious activity and it has stayed with me like for sometime.

Meditating is one of those activities like running which I would love to do regularly and analyze the benefits of it. So I invite you to set a goal to do it 2 times a day for 10 minutes for this whole week. That is so doable that only reason one might not pursue doing this is their addiction to constant thinking.


Now read this


This word has loomed around for a long period of time now. Recently I had a intense meditation session wherein I was completely confused with my identity. I had this weird question in my head “Who am I?”, now mind you not this question... Continue →