Death is a Feature

Here I go again with another existential thought, I recently read someone say that Death is a feature installed to make things worth it. Why do we miss our childhood? Why do you miss that one trip you had years ago? It is because all these experiences ended.

Don’t think that I am asking you to show no emotions when these experiences end or when you reminisce about them. I am arguing that it is important to remind ourselves that everything at some time comes to an end. Death similarly for that reason is an in-built feature to allow us to enjoy life.
I remember going to my cousins’ during my summer break and counting the no. of days I have left before I head back home. Every day was a celebration of trying to make the most out of it. We seem to forget that we all are approaching an expiry date on this wonderful journey, some have more time and some are living their last day. This is what makes it challenging, we can’t see our expiry date, and it is hard to keep that vision.

There are a couple of ways I believe we can tackle this, firstly we can try to remind ourselves every chance we get that whatever date you are living is the last time you are experiencing it. So for example, there will never be another 3rd June 2023 which is sad but also kind of freeing to me. Secondly, is it to simply select a year that you believe might be around when your journey would end if everything went well, and then make sure you understand the gravitate of the fact that your time on this journey is reducing every moment.

Peace and Love!!


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Initiating conversations with not your usual culprit

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