Love or Lust?

On any given random day I can have a thought of someone that I haven’t reached out to in a few months, it feels horrible knowing the bond we once shared seemed eternal but ended up fading away.

This makes me realize what Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Ji says regarding this attachment we have with worldly things. It might seem to be so pure but nothing we find on this planet is completely pure. It is something coming out of the unknown that can be pure. Any connection/relationship we have with anybody is just surface level.

Maharaj ji says, when you are in love with external beauty think about how it is just temporary it is ever changing, your love with external beauty is Lust taking form. When you find a gorgeous woman, think if you will still love her if you are asked to never touch her, will you still be willing to spend the rest of your life with her? What if you are asked to never look at her, is your love still there?? Very likely no, so that shows us how impure that love was, it was pure Lust.

Anytime you find yourself attracted to something and you know the features are temporary remind yourself that it is the deep hidden lust taking form. If you truly love something you don’t need it close to you, you don’t want to control it.

Lust wears camouflage and is all around us. It can also take a form of passion to get things out of you. You think you would love to have a car, you spend the next few months working hard trying to save money to get a new car. Later it turns out getting a car doesn’t satisfy you how you thought it would, now you start being passionate for the next thing you want to buy. A few years down the road you might even realize that you never truly wanted a car, you got engulfed by it as you were ashamed in front of your friends.

Look out for Lust hiding in plain sight, always be wary of it, as it is one of our biggest enemies and it takes many a forms.


Now read this

Death is a Feature

Here I go again with another existential thought, I recently read someone say that Death is a feature installed to make things worth it. Why do we miss our childhood? Why do you miss that one trip you had years ago? It is because all... Continue →